Born in Paris, 26th June 1979.

1997 : Bac F12 d'Arts Appliqués, Ecole Estienne.
1999 : BTS de design industriel, Ecole Olivier de Serres.
2000 : Licence d'Arts Appliqués, Paris I.
2001 : Maîtrise d'Arts Appliqués, Paris I & preparation for CAPLP 2 at the IUFM.
2001 - 2006 : designer for agency Cent Degrés.
2005 : presentation of 'Les bobos' at Milan furniture fair - a project in partnership with designer Pierre-Gilles Fourquié for Industreal.
2006 : presentation of 'Café pelé', a coffee cup with cutout handle, designed for Industreal and later put into production.
2006 - 2008 : designer for agency Rpure.
2008 : production of Pom's desk for ligne roset, a desk inspired by the classic secretaire and capable of integrating a laptop. Currently working as an independent designer.
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